Genres: Supernatural / Drama / School
I've watched:
Art style: Common / Loli
Recommended to: People liked original series; you need to see the original series
Recommendation level: Highly, for now
Summary: Our favorite Flame Haze, Shana is back. But they seem to have lost their memories, and everything seems to be repeating itself. Yuuji seems to be the only one that remembers everything.
Richard's rating (of 5) - first impression: 4.5 - Excellent
Personal comments: Very interesting start. Jumped right into the action. Feels even more interesting than the first season.
Special note: J.C.STAFF has produced quite a few animes that are in the top section of my favorite list, including Ai Yori Aoshi, Honey and Clover, Nodame Cantabile, original Shakugan no Shana, Shingetsutan Tsukihime, The Melody of Oblivion, Daphne in Brilliant Blue. Now, Shakugan no Shana II which is also produced by J.C.STAFF is exceptionally good as well.
So, J.C.STAFF is now my preferred production studio: I would hang on to an anime that is produced by J.C.STAFF longer than others that I do not have a good first impression. It also means my rating towards animes produced by J.C.STAFF would be slightly higher than an anime normally would, because I have higher expectation on its future potential. At the same time, my expectation of the quality of the anime is also raised for this studio, which means any sub-standard anime produced by them would get my harsher-than-normal criticism.
My only other preferred production studio is GONZO. However, due to its recent track record, it's getting close to be crossed out from my preferred list.
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