Currently finished: Episode 6
There not much time left in the gamble arena. The game has reached a new height. It has become so intense that I could not wait to see the next episode. Even though I still hate the art style of this anime, I just could not put it down. It is so interesting that I could completely ignore the art style.
That reminds me that I need to dig around the internet to find the anime named Akagi, which I think is drawn and made by the same people. Instead of the simple gambling game in Kaiji, Akagi talks about advanced techniques on Mahjong gambling. I threw it out back then before I was even half way through the first episode because of the art work. Now, having seen how interesting Kaiji is, I would definately pick Akagi back up and try to watch through. It'll be highly benificial for my Mahjong game skills.
New rating (out of 5): 4.5 (net gain: +0.25) - Amusing