Genres: Supernatural / Mystery / Light drama
I've watched: 1 episode
Art style: Common / Slightly simplified / Slightly childish
Recommended to: People that able to stay slow moving light drama/mystery
Recommendation level: On the edge
Summary: Two sisters, one could see lots of mysterious things, the other often get possessed by mysterious things. They live together with their grandparants who have lots of knowledge about these Mokke (strange things). Even so, strange things still happen to them.
Richard's rating (of 5) - first impression: 3.2 - Average at best
Personal comments: The presentation, art style, music, also the content all remind me of Mushishi. So, it may appear to something light, but at the same time, it's also something very heavy. Just like Mushishi, it's slow, but mysterious, somehow makes me couldn't put it down. The presentation is somewhat boring, but at the same time, mysterious enough that I'm willing to be dragged around.
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