Genres: School Drama w/ Light Comedy
I've watched: 1 episode
Art style: Common / Rectangular shaped eyes
Recommended to: People interested in high school drama
Recommendation level: Anticipating
Summary: Kouichi's (male) childhood friend (female) has just returned from France and now living with him now. They happened to be going to the same high school, except she's one grade higher than him.
Richard's rating (of 5) - first impression: 4 - Very good
Personal comments: The openning plot reminds me much of Ichigo 100%. But it's not completely the same. For one, it seems that the plot does not only evlove around a single character. Normally, this kind of art style (the shape of the eyes, to be exact) bothers me; but not this one. The characters are very...likable. (When I say "characters", I usually mean female characters. I don't usually care about the male character much). So far, this is the best one I've seen in this genres among all October new animes.
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