Overall (not average): 2.5 (I still don't know how I kept on watching...)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Blue Drop: Not Impressive Enough
Overall (not average): 2.5 (I still don't know how I kept on watching...)
Saturday, December 29, 2007
December New Anime: Ayakashi
Recommendation level: Not sure yet
Friday, December 28, 2007
Myself; Yourself: A Group of Unfortunate People
Anyway, although the story is surprisingly good (with all the evil and hate). I only wish they didn't have an ending so cheap and uneventful. You could hardly call it an ending. It kind of just silently faded away.
Comedy: N/A
Action: N/A
Art/Animation: 4 (Nothing stands out, but I do like them)
Sound/Music: 4 (Other than opening theme song, nothing else left much of impression)
Character: 5 (Almost everybody has an unusually messed up life)
Plot: 5 (Evil, hate, unfortunate lives, you couldn't ask for anything better than that)
Re-watch value: 3.5 (You may want to re-enforce the hate, but I don't think it holds much re-watch value)
Da Capo II: No Way This is the End of It
For now, let me just rate what this series have so far:
Comedy: 3.5 (I don't think it's the main theme here)
Action: N/A
Art/Animation: 4 (The normal Da Capo art)
Sound/Music: 4 (Ok, but nothing stands out)
Character: 3.8 (Not enough character depth I think, mostly due to incomplete plot)
Plot: 4 (Acceptable, but suspiciously similar to To Heart: Remember My Memory, and it's not the kind of Da Capo plot I'm expecting)
Re-watch value: 2 (Really nave no need to see this again)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Ef ~ A Tale of Memories: Ends Well
Comedy: N/A
Action: N/A
Art/Animation: 4.5 (There are some weird/unusual visual effects)
Sound/Music: 5 (Good BGM left some pretty good impression)
Character: 5 (Very deep and thorough)
Plot: 5 (Great)
Re-watch value: 3 (You might want to re-live it again, might not)
Kimikiss Pure Rouge: Mesh
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Ongoing Long Series: Story of Saiunkoku
Monday, December 24, 2007
Clearing the Backlogs: Gunslinger Girl

Someone told me a while back that I would like this anime because it's...cruel and emotional. Well, it is true, and I do like it very much. The concept is cruel, and the theme is dark and somewhat sad. But at the same time, there is a soft and warm feeling to it. Just like Saikano, where the flow of cruelness and darkness is companied by a stream of soft warmth, only that in Sakano, the warmth is much more overwhelming.
Between the two (Gunslinger Girl and Saikano), I like the presentation of Gunslinger Girl much better. Mainly, I think it's because I didn't have to constantly battle against the absurd plot device Saikano used.
It was a bit of a slow start. Well, it doesn't really get any faster later either, it just made me get used to its pace. The story is filled with strong emotions and some graphical violence, which they were blended to almost perfection. The ending, really could have been taken either way: tragedy or non-tragedy. Without the second series, it's completely up to your own imagination. But the second series is coming, and we get to see how the author intended for us to interpret the ending of the first series.
Rating (out of 5): 4.5 ~ Instant Classic
New OVA: Kimi ga Nozomu Eien ~ Next Season ~
Clannad: Random Moe Injection
Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun: Everything Resets
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Moyashimon: It's over?
Higurashi Kai: The End
Rental Magica: Snowball Effect
Ef ~ A Tale of Memories: Happy Ending or Tragedy?
Bamboo Blades: LOL
New OVA: Strait Jacket (Shouldn't it be Straitjacket?)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Januray 2008: What to Expect

Friday, December 21, 2007
Da Capo II: Will Become Unfinished Business
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Myself; Yourself: It's not over just yet
Moyashimon: Noitamina...
Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun: Succubus vs. Succubus
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Denno Coil: Best of 2007
After finishing the whole series, you'll realize that it has been placing anchors ever since the first episode. Slowly, you noticed them, but, you weren't able to place all of them into its proper place, until the last two episode - everything, I mean everything, including the episodes looked like fillers, comes together and completes the final picture. It's one of the best plot development I've ever seen.
Drama: 5 (As dramatic as it could get)
Comedy: 5 (Some wicked humor, perfect placement)
Action: 5 (A lot more action than you'd expect from a computer scifi series)
Art/Animation: 5 (I didn't quite like it to begin with, but grew out of it)
Sound/Music: 5 (You don't really notice it, but it is used many places to create atmosphere)
Character: 5 (Very very well developed characters)
Plot: 5+ (One of the best I've seen)
Re-watch value: 4 (You might want to go through it again to catch the details you missed first time through)
Overall (not average): 5+ More than Perfect
Recommendation: This would be my #1 recommendation of the year. You need to watch it.
Clannad: Miracle
Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun: Finally Into the Main Plot?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Moyashimon: The Third WTF of 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Myself; Yourself: Something Bad is Coming
Despite the overall theme is somewhat light and warm, lately, there are just too much bad omen flying around that it makes me feel there is something bad or even terrible coming. I'm not sure whether it is trying to mislead the audiences or foreshadow some coming events, one thing for sure is that the hints all points to unpleasant events. With this new development, I'll have to retrieve my earlier statement about this anime being too "straight forward". Now it seems to be anything but straight forward.
New Rating (out of 5): 4.25 (net gain: +0.75) Mysterious
Dragonaut: More Twists
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Kimikiss Pure Rouge: Getting interesting
Thursday, December 6, 2007
October 2007 Season Animes I decide not to follow any more
While the first episode is somewhat amusing, I have not seen anything worth keeping after that. I gave it up to episode 4, but it's not going to make the cut.
Suteki Tantei Labyrinth
It has some interesting elements in it, but it's not developing fast enough, or rather, it's not developing the a way that I'm interested in. On to pf that, I find the main character very annoying and I'm not very fond of its art style either. So, strike out.
Jyushin Enbu
It is somewhat interesting, but, the plot is just too old school and predictable. On top of that, I'm not quite liking its art style either. So, out it is.
Night Wizard
Ever since episode 1, it has been very very repetitive. Plus, lots of the plots are copied straight out of RPG game. It was amusing at the beginning, but now it's just plain anonying.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Between Clannad and Da Capo II ~ Part 1
Clannad and Da Capo II are both the front runner for best school drama of this season, and they happened to have very similar theme: a light drama/comedy could potentially turn into a tragedy.
Of course, it's a bit unfair to compare them side-by-side, because Clannad is a 24 episode series, while Da Capo II is only a 13 episode series. Having said that, I think there are still many criteria that these two could come to a head to head competition on. So forget about the length of the anime for now and take a look at them in details:
Main Character (male)
Both Clannad and Da Capo II took the approach of the main male character being a passive role rather than an active role. While he may be at the right(wrong) place at right(wrong) time and forced to make some decisions he may or may not like to make, he usually is not the cause of the majority events. He is merely a medium for things to take place around him.
Of course, the stories itself would be non-existent if the lead male character is not there. But if you think about it, while the role itself is important to be there at all time, it merely is a "glue" for all the events happened in the anime to come together. That's why I say the main male character plays only a passive role. In my opinion, it is more so in Clannad than Da Capo II.
Comedy/Drama to Tragedy Progression
While I can not yet predict what will happen towards the end of the series, the track record of both Key and Circus speaks for themselves. While all of their past animes started with light comedy, almost all of them ended up in some degrees of tragedy. It's not difficult to predict that both Clannad and Da Capo II would also end in some sort of tragedy. In fact, Clannad already starts to show the signs of it with its first plot segment.
Tragedies vary in degrees, so are comedies. Clannad is doing much better job on the comedy side because of the "moe" properties of all the female characters. The lack of "moe" does not hurt Da Capo, but makes it much lighter comedy wise compare to Clannad.
Segmented Plot Lines
Instead of using parallel plot development, both anime divides the plot into multiple chunks and develop them one at a time. (The opposite extreme is Baccano! which mixed not only all ongoing plot lines together, but also all the past and future plot lines.) The segmented plot line tells one side/part of the story at a time, without mixing in any unnecessary side plot lines. This makes the story very easy to follow. What you lose is the extra dimensions of the story (like the one Baccano! created). But school dramas don't really need them. Compare the two, Da Capo II is much more segmented than Clannad is because latter have a lot more side plot mix-ins.