Early on during the series, I almost threw this anime away because the main character was the biggest douche I've seen, and was really stretching the limit of how much douche-ness I was willing to tolerate. But luckily, the story took a sudden turn, not only it took my attention off the douche-ness of the main guy, it also managed to turn him into somewhat a normal person.
The story has quite a few twists and turns, though it's not too difficult to figure out what kind of curve ball they're throwing at you, it still provides quite some entertainment value. One other thing I really like about this anime is the fact they're willing to kill characters, important characters. In my opinion, all epic stories need to have some important characters that doesn't survive to the end. Otherwise it would be too boring.
Oh one more thing, what is Mieu's purpose in this anime? I though she'd be useful at some point before the story ends, but she never did anything asides from the early events that introduced her to the party.
Drama: 90 (Almost too much)
Comedy: 80 (Not bad for what it had)
Action: 85 (There are some lame fights, but it's not bad overall)
Art/Animation: 80 (Typical fantasy style)
Sound/Music: 80 (I like the theme song)
Character: 85 (Gone a bit overboard on the douche play...)
Plot: 85 (Quite a few nice little twists)
Ending: 80 (Too predictable)
Re-watch value: 50 (story like this doesn't really hold any re-watch value)
Overall (not average): 88 ~ Epic
Recommendation: If you can withstand 7 episodes of almost non-stop douch-ness, the you would find this anime very entertaining. But if douche-ness causes too much stress for you, then don't watch it, because you'll destroy your TV before you get through the first 7 episodes.