Monday, July 29, 2013
[New][July 2013] Choujigen Game Neptune: The Animation
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: 超次元ゲイム ネプテューヌ
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Genres: Comedy / Fantasy?
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: The goddess of four nations agree to make peace with each and stop the war that is fighting over share energy.
First impression score: 80 - OMG they made an anime of this...
Personal comments: If you haven't realized, this is a story about personified gaming consoles. Noire's Lastation is the Playstation 3 (you ought to be able to recognize this without any assistance); Blanc's Lowee is clearly the Wii; if Vert's nation, Leanbox is not enough of a clue, her green color can serve as the extra proof that she represent Xbox 360. Neptune, I heard is supposed to represent the unreleased next generation console from SEGA, who pulled themselves out of console business after Dreamcast. This is in my opinion is not anything serious to be looked upon. Maybe they'll get something good out of it, but I'm not looking forward to it.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
[New][July 2013] The World God Only Knows: Goddesses
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: 神のみぞ知るセカイ 女神篇
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Genres: Fantasy / School Drama
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: The third season of the series.
First impression score: 80 - More spirits to catch
Personal comments: To some, this is an awesome series. But I have long lost interest in the story during season two. Don't get me wrong, it's not that this is a bad series, I'm just not into it. But I do think this is a good series.
[New][July 2013] Love Lab
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: 恋愛ラボ
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Genres: Comedy
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: A rebel girl at a girl's high school who caught student body president kissing a hug pillow with a man drawn on it. She's now dragged into helping her get a boyfriend.
First impression score: 82 - Quick-witted comedy
Personal comments: This is one of those typical high school comedy. It's funny at the moment, but I'm not sure how long this would last.
[New][July 2013] Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: 幻影ヲ駆ケル太陽
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Genres: Action / Fantasy / Children's?
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: A kid who uses tarots for fortune telling possesses some super power has to do with tarots..
First impression score: 80 - Children's fantasy, Card Captor Style
Personal comments: It's very childish, at least that's how I feel. Come to think of it, once upon a time I actually liked Mermaid Melody which in my opinion was even more childish than this. However, I have since grown out of it and these children's anime doesn't really impress me any more. If you happen to be still into these kind of stuff, much like bronies out there, you might actually enjoy this.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
[New][July 2013] Gin no Saji
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: 銀の匙
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Genres: Drama
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: A dude starts enrollment in an agriculture school and he had no idea what he has gotten himself into...
First impression score: 80 - Moyashimon wanttobe
Personal comments: So if you've ever seen Moyashimon, you'd know just how an anime about agriculture can be so awesomely fun to watch and educational at the same time. That's actually what I was wishing for when I learned that Gin no Saji is also a story has something to do with agriculture. But I was wrong. Gin no Saji is nowhere near the caliber of Moyashimon. I guess the author of Fullmetal Alchemist (who is the author of Gin no Saji manga) isn't just quiet as fitted doing this kind of work. It may get better later, but I don't think I want to wait for it...
[New][July 2013] Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!
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Genres: Comedy
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: A girl shut in who is in denial desperately trying to become "normal" when she starts high school.
First impression score: 81 - Same ol' shut-in concept, it's getting a little old
Personal comments: Lately, I've been seeing more and more animes that recycle ideas. Most of them didn't even attempt to try to be different. New concepts seems to be a rare commodity nowadays. But there is still a chance that we might be able to get something fresh out of this, though I wouldn't hold my breath for it...
[New][July 2013] High School DxD New
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: ハイスクールD×D NEW
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Genres: Fantasy / Action / Ecchi
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: The second season of the boobilious High School DxD.
First impression score: 80 - Typical, very typical
Personal comments: Though the original High School DxD is no masterpiece, in my opinion, it's actually pretty good for an anime that is filled with ecchi content. Unlike Sekirei, it didn't have much of an elaborated story per se, nor does it have the deep to the root bizarreness in concept like Qwaser. But it was executed well enough that you actually care for the characters. I think what has it going for HSDxD is the fact it's not trying to hide what itself really is. The main character constantly getting into lewd perverted fantasies which matches the surrounding environment he's in. Unlike some others, such as High School of the Dead, where they try to hide what they really are because no character would acknowledge what kind of perverted situation they were in nor what lewd act they have just performed, yet still constantly show you the most perverted camera angle they can get. That kind of self-denial really infuriates me because they just assume us audiences are just ignorant fools.
So by being completely open about the underlying tone of the story, the focus of the story is way better because the main plot doesn't get too distracted and people could actually enjoy both aspect at the same time. But many near ecchi that had a good first season suffered significant second season setback because for some reason they all inadvertently think they need to out-"ecchi" their first season. Unfortunately, I'm seeing some signs of such trending here in the first episode. Let's just hope it'll make an return and go back to the same level of the first season.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
[New][July 2013] Kiniro Mosaic
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: きんいろモザイク
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Genres: Drama
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: A high school girl went to Great Britain for exchange student program. Now she's back in Japan for the new semester. A surprise is awaiting for her at school.
First impression score: 82 - Soft Comedy
Personal comments: I actually didn't expect much from this simply because of the look and the topic. However, to my surprise, it's actually a lot more interesting than I thought, mostly due to the intermittent comedic moment. I'm actually interested in seeing a bit more of this.
[New][July 2013] Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: 魔界王子 devils and realist
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Genres: Action / Fantasy
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: William is a very intelligent boy. One day he found out his family is bankrupt. In order to pay for tuition, he searched around his house, but accidentally activated a summon circle that released the devil that was sealed by his ancestor.
First impression score: 80 - Interesting twist, with yaoi tendency
Personal comments: Honestly, the first two minutes almost made me think this is going to be a yaoi anime. Then things start to blow up, it now looks more like an anime made for female audiences.
[New][July 2013] Blood Lad
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: ブラッドラッド
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Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Comedy?
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: The vampire boss from a district in a demon world met a human girl, then he wants to go travel to human world...
First impression score: 80 - Not sure how to take it...
Personal comments: It's...strange and I'm not sure how to take it.
[New][July 2013] Servant x Service
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: サーバント×サービス
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Genres: Comedy / Drama
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: Newcomers works at health and welfare department with a goal of revenge...
First impression score: 80 - Anime sitcom
Personal comments: It literally like the anime version of "the Office"... It's pretty funny ... for the moment ...
[New][July 2013] Uchouten Kazoku
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: 有頂天家族
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Genres: Slow Drama
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: Raccoon, Tengu, and human are the three species living in the same city. This is the story about a raccoon.
First impression score: 76 - Slooooow
Personal comments: Looks pretty...dumb, and I don't think I have the patience for this...
[New][July 2013] Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title:神さまのいない日曜日
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Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Comedy?
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: God has abandoned the world. When people die, they no do not stop moving. The only people who can put dead body to rest are gravekeepers. Ai is a gravekeeper. She picked up the job at age 12 after her mother died. One day, he met a man,who killed everybody in her village.
First impression score: 82 - A little slow, but very intriguing
Personal comments:'s a...zombie anime? Or...not? So far it looks pretty intriguing. I'm really curiously to find out what's happening here...
Monday, July 8, 2013
[New][July 2013] Rozen Maiden (2013)
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: ローゼンメイデン
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Genres: Drama / Fantasy
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: One day, Jun received a box with a doll in it. He winds the doll, suddenly she came alive, and everything goes haywire.
First impression score: 86 - Way, way, way faster than the original series
Personal comments: While reboots in movie world is pretty common, it's not as common in the world of anime, especially for something high profile and the originally series has done relatively well. This reboot, is extremely fast in developing the plot: one episode in, it has run through most of the key plot points of all three series of the original Rozen Maiden.
[New][July 2013] Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: ダンガンロンパ 希望の学園と絶望の高校生
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Genres: Action
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: A group of high school students were selected to enter a prestige high school. When they arrive, they found ou t that they're locked in and were told if they want to leave, they have to kill somebody.
First impression score: 88 - Battle Royale, with a different spin
Personal comments: This actually looks very interesting. It's based off the game with same name, which supposedly plays like Ace Attoney. I think this one has potential.
[New][July 2013] Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: ステラ女学院高等科C³部
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Genres: Comedy/Action/Moe~~~~~
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: Yura arrives at Stella Girl's High. She's immediately dragged into joining "C3" club, a club that plays survival games with airsoft guns.
First impression score: 84 - Um, K-ON! with Guns?
Personal comments: Really, it literally feels like K-ON! with guns, which...I'm not sure how well it'll blend...

Sunday, July 7, 2013
[New][July 2013] Brother Conflict
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The Evil Cat
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Genres: Reverse Harrrrrrrrrem
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: A came to live in a house full of...pretty boys.
First impression score: 65 - Can there be more blatant reverse harem?
Personal comments: I think this is one of those reverse harem story that the sole purpose of its existence is to be stereotypical reverse harem. Having seen enough harem animes myself, I really just can't put up with craps like these anymore, be it forward or reverse...

[New][July 2013] Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou
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The Evil Cat
Japanese title: 犬とハサミは使いよう
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Genres: Comedy/Drama?
I've watched: 1 episode
Summary: Harumi loves to read. One day he was killed during a robbery where he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. However, he refuses to die because he wants to read the last book of his favorite author's series. For some reason he ends up reincarnating into a dog. Then strange things starts to happen.
First impression score: 86 - This is something new
Personal comments: This is definitely something new. So long it doesn't go down the typical repetitive route and makes sure it keeps develop the plot, it could be pretty interesting.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
[Ended] Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge
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Ahhhhh, the end of a short anime. So much happens, in so many ways and meanings, both inside and out of the anime.
I've taken a long time to get this done, despite having been keeping up with this anime episode to episode, because quantifying my opinion has never been something I'm comfortable with. Then, after enjoying a re-upload of Arkada's 'Glass Reflection' review series, I suddenly felt stupid for not thinking of this sooner. I simply won't quantify my opinion. This does mean that my End posts that I do will be formatted in a manner very similar to Arkadas. Oh well.
[End Disclaimer]
Dansai Bunri has several flavors of original. That needs to be said, but also note that it fits quite cleanly into the 'Shounen' genre. It's weird, it's unique, but if you're absolutely against ever watching 'Shounen', I doubt there's anything here that will radically change your opinion.
For most of the show, the main heroine, Iwai, doesn't get much development past the first 'protect me princess' role she's put in. When she finally gets some, it is actually pretty good, and her personality is very enjoyable at those times. A lot of the time though, it feels like she leans on a bit too much 'Moe' to get by while other characters are getting proper development. I felt rather annoyed that they spent time developing Kiri's friends, but then never used them past giving a plot element dump on him.
I think that somewhere along the line, someone on this animes 'Shot caller' management decided they needed to put emphasis on Kiri's hair cutting fetish, which is fine since it helps push the plot, but didn't know how much emphasis was necessary. I lost count of how many times I put my face in my palm at them panting heavily while they do the hair cut or something similar. Come to think of it, Dansai Bunri does its best to push several fetishes into our face, one for each Killing Goods, almost.
To its credit, they do push some borders nicely without it feeling like cheap shock appeal. For example, perhaps it's just my status as a hermit, but this was the first time I'd ever seen licking in a mainstream anime. (I don't count harems, they're comedy, and even then, I don't recall any I've seen having it).
Despite this, it somehow feels forgettable. Perhaps it's founded in the original story, perhaps it's in how the studio that made the anime decided to do it, but for all its uniqueness Dansai Bunri still feels like it leans a bit too much on its strange central theme and character/weapon.
Absolutely to its credit, Dansai Bunri's action scenes are all good. In fact, as I sit here reminiscing up memories to write this End post, other than the last 2-3 episodes, the only remarkable things that stayed with me were the action scenes. It's just really hard to think of a pair of Scissors being a particularly interesting weapon to root for in a fight, but they do make it work.
Pros: Unique; Very.
-Doesn't feint on any punches. If it seems like they're going to do something shocking, they do it.
-The action scenes are a good time to watch, they make a very unusual weapon candidate work well for them.
-When the characters get depth added to them, it's good. You're never just expected to accept something, the character usually reacts, explains, or thinks enough about anything to feel acceptable.
Cons: The characters don't develop nearly as fast as I feel they should for a 13 episode anime.
-They don't pull the 'Big Reveal' about our main protagonists until the last episode, and even then they don't even close to fully explain Iwai's case.
-Several characters don't get sufficient explanation, or quickly disappear into the shadows after their debut
-For all its uniqueness, Dansai Bunri's final impression is forgettable. Perhaps this is because the story is obviously meant to continue past where the anime ends, but plenty of other short season anime have had that, and still been memorable.
My Opinion: I think you should watch it, at least once. I greatly enjoyed Dansai Bunri 'In the moment', watching it as each episode came out, but looking back on it now after finishing it, I have a hard time remembering anything especially significant.
Impartial Judgement: Don't be turned away by it's strange plot and setting alone. If by episode three you haven't seen anything at all interesting though, you're probably not going to. If you absolutely hate 'Shounen' or 'Shounen Battle' genres, this isn't going to be the radical shifter for you. If you have time to burn, this is a unique way to do it, but don't displace something else with this. If they make a second season, Dansai Bunri will probably greatly increase in value, but until then, it's almost possible to watch a few of the first episodes, and then just skip to the last 2-3.
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