Sunday, October 4, 2009

[New October 2009] Queen's Blade 2

Japanese title: クイーンズブレイド 玉座を継ぐ者
Genres: Fantasy / Ecchi / Nude / X-Rated
I've watched: 1 episode

Summary: More boobs from the story of Queen's Blade...

First impression score: 80 ~ Amusing

Personal comments: It amazes me how many top ranked Japanese voice actress are appearing in a ludicrous anime like this. I think they're all doing this for a big practical joke. Nevertheless, it's amazing that not only they finished the first series, they're making a sequel. For those who hasn't seen the first series, watch a couple of episodes of the first series first before you decide whether you want to proceed. While I think this is amusing, some of you may get offended by the material. So when I say offensive material ahead in this anime, do take that advise quite literally.

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