Currently finished: Episode 2
If the second episode is an indication of what to come, this story is going to get complicated and interesting pretty quick. I don't think the mapping of relations are going to get nearly as complicated or messed up as School Rumble, nor do I foresee the drama gets as big as Nana. Knowing the author of the manga, who also wrote Ichigo 100%, there is probably going to some large circular mesh of relationships in the near future. The problem, though, is the fact this is only a 12-episode series. At the current rate, which is one "pair" per episode, we can barely get that chart started by the end of series. And if they follow suit of what they did with Ichigo 100%, we probably never going to see the parts where it start to get really interesting. Reading the manga may be the only way to know what kind of interesting things are going to happen.
well in my opinion i hope its as messed up like school rumble but with an ending like school days
Knowing the author, it would be highly unlikely for this series end up like school days...
watching this anime is like choosing the road of romance that U like. I think there's some road that I like to watch, while the others is bad.
until now, I think this worth enough to see. there's also some good comedy too.
I think it's more like laying out a map rather than choosing a road. Harem animes are more like choosing the road.
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