Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tiger & Bunny: Kicking Up a Notch

Currently finished: Episode 15

Now we're are officially into the second half of the series, the story has kicked everything up a notch, in quite a few ways.

For starter, as if the product placement wasn't apparent enough, the new opening sequence decided to go with even more blatant approach for showing off various "sponsors" on the heroes' costume: now you can clearly see the logo of every single company on heroes' suits. On top of that, there are some new sponsors that start to appear on hero's was not (I double checked) on Bunny's suite during the first half of the series.

Two, there are some indications that some heroes are receiving a power level changes. Who? That I shall not spoil, you should watch it and find out yourself.

Last, on top of the normal business, there has been some interesting romantic side story developments. I'm actually quite interested in what's gonna come out of that. (No, not the tragic one, the one that might actually have a positive outcome.)

After the big tie-in arc at the end of first half of the series, I think it has gone back into the earlier format that each episode focus mostly on character development of a single hero while advancing the overarching plot at the same time. I am actually quite fond of that format because this way, instead of being advertisement models in logo suites, you can get to know each of the heroes in addition to the main pair of the story. So when the time comes, not only would you care for the well being of Tiger and Bunny, you'll have feelings for everybody else in the team as well.

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