Tuesday, April 19, 2011

[New April 2011] Oretachi Ni Tsubasa wa Nai

Japanese title: 俺たちに翼はない
Info: http://myanimelist.net/anime/9922/Oretachi_ni_Tsubasa_wa_Nai
Watch online: http://www.crunchyroll.com/we-without-wings-ore-tachi-ni-tsubasa-wa-nai
Genres: School life / Ecchi
I've watched: 1 episode

Summary: A bunch of dudes talk about girls in a bar...

First impression score: 60 - WTH?

Personal comments: I think this ought to be the cheapest anime this season, it literally is a whole bunch of guys keep talking about meeting girls. There are literally some minute long conversation that the camera just slowly pan through a table with a paper crane. Oh, and occasionally they just randomly show girl's panties. The entire show is just dumb. I think the pretty art work is about the only thing preventing me from giving it a failing grade. However, I'm kind of interested in finding out what that TV thing is about, also what does it mean when that guy claim he's not from this world. I do hope there are something intelligent hidden in this, so it doesn't end up being a complete waste of time for me.

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