Having said all that, however, I wasn't quite satisfied with how the story ended. Granted it's a proper ending, it just feels somewhat out of place. I guess you could say this is a better way to wrap up this story than simply another event.
Supposedly, the anime goes on for three more episodes. But only the first 12 would be broadcasted. Episode 13-15 are to be streamed on their web site. I'm a bit curious what they're going to do with the next three episodes after ending in 12 like that already.
If you haven't read my previous posts about this anime, I have given it the
Anime of the Season for July 2009 Season
Final scoreboard:
Drama: 95 (Excellent)
Comedy: 97 (Brilliant)
Action: 91 (Interesting)
Art/Animation: 95 (Strangely amusing)
Sound/Music: 90 (Good music)
Character: 98 (Very interesting characters)
Plot: 93 (Cleverly written)
Ending: 90 (Satisfactory)
Re-watch value: 80 (Still somewhat amusing)
Overall: 95 - Anime of the Season
Recommendation: No doubt this is something that should be on your must-watch list.
Just one word: Masterpiece
I haven't seen much anime that made wait with great anticpation for the next epîsode/season (Code geass was one of them) But this one had a feeling that i liked so much i checked the download page at a daily base.
Although there isn't really much story in it (it's more based around little stand alone story lines with little links to each other ) it was overall amusing and entertaining.
The combination of different personalities and the great conversations that flows from that is unique.
It's funny, it's entertaining, it got that inocent relationship feature and it have lots of mystery involved. In short: i'm going to nag my friends head of that they must see this anime.
The ending was a little less from what i expected left and left me a bit disapointed but overall i can't complain.
Um it did not finish yet they post episode 13 a few days ago...
The TV aired portion is completed at episode 12. There are three more online exclusive episodes. So the series really has 15 episodes. I've already seen episode 13, I'll be posting some reviews soon enough.
Episode 15 is being streamed tonight, so it should be in English sometime soon^.^
I'm looking forward to it.
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