Friday, November 26, 2010

Yosuga no Sora: Did She...rape him?!!!

Currently finished: Episode 7

I'm a bit confused, about whether they're really trying to imply that's what happened or did I just completely misunderstood them...


DamonSalvatore said...

u look so interested with this anime.. at the beginning i think u gonna drop it.. guess i was wrong ^^

The Evil Cat said...

actually, I never expressed any dislike about this anime, I only recommended people who can't stand these kind of stuff to stay away ^_^

Micky said...

Man, this show is hilarious. It's so obvious that this game is made off an H-game that I found myself predicting what was going to happen next.

"I bet Sora is going to walk in on them sexing it up"

Micky said...

this show is made off an H-game**

The Evil Cat said...

lol, it's pretty clear from episode 1 this is more than just made off an H-game--they literally brought the whole H-game onto the tv screen. XD