Since it's all in Japanese, I went ahead made a list of TV series shown in this preview in the order their appearance (Sorry, I didn't bother with the OVA part of the video).
- Umi Monogatari ~Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto~ (うみものがたり〜あなたがいてくれたコト〜)
- Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan (ファイト一発!充電ちゃん!!)
- Umineko no Naku Koro ni (うみねこのなく頃に)
- Aoi Hana (青い花)
- Taisho Yakyu Musume (大正野球娘)
- Bake Monogatari (化物語)
- Element Hunter (エレメントハンター)
- Zan Sayonara Zatubo Sensei (懺・さよなら絶望先生)
- Kuruneko (くるねこ)
- Princess Lover! (プリンセスラバー!)
- Kanamemo (かなめも)
- GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class (GA 芸術科アートデザインクラス)
- Sora no Manimani (宙のまにまに)
- Spice and Wolf II (狼と香辛料II)
- Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (東京マグニチュード8.0)
- Yoku Wakaru Gendai Maho (よくわかる現代魔法)
- Hetalia Axis Powers Second Season (ヘタリア Axis Powers 第2期)

Two friends that has been apart for ten years reunited at high school.
Forecast: Sounds like another Yuri story...I'll give it a shot

A high school boy had some girl fall onto his lap, only to discover she has no weight.
Forecast: Sounds like a interesting supernatural story, might be a keeper
This is adapted from game "428", created by Type-Moon's script writer and character design.
Forecast: Type-Moon is the creator of many brilliant series, including Shingetsutan Tsukihime, and Fate/Stay Night. This ought to be good too.

A mysterious natural disaster caused many earth's elements disappear into an alternate dimensions. Element Hunter team is created to get those elements back in order to save the mankind.
Forecast: I'd say the concept sounds somewhat retarded. But again, last season's Basquash! turn out to be quite an interesting anime. This might surprise me, too. Who knows.

"Plug" is a girl from parallel world, who can "recharge" people down on their lock.
Forecast: Sound like one of those mindless comedy animes. It could go either way.

GA 芸術科アートデザインクラス
Story about high school art design class.
Forecast: Sounds like something similar to K-On!, could be interesting if made well.

ヘタリア Axis Powers 第2期
The story of personified countries continues on...
Forecast: For 5-minutes per week, I think I can keep watching...

A normal life of some random girl...
Forecast: I don't think it's a keeper...
After world war III, contaminated areas called Blackspots are quarantine off from rest of the country. Those who survived inside the Blacksports are called Needless.
Forecast: Post apocalyptic world is always interesting. But depending on what they do with it, it could really go either way.

A sudden new life of a boy who lost his parents
Forecast: Sounds like a typical harem anime

Story about astronomy club.
Forecast: Probably another anime that is similar to K-On!

The story of the wise wolf Horo continues.
Forecast: This is the anime I'm looking forward to see the most. At the same time, this is also the one I'm most nervous about. Because the first series set such a high standard, it's hard to image the second series could top that.

Story about a baseball girl.
Forecast: I'll decide after the first episode...

A story about what would happen if a magnitude 8.0 earthquake hits Tokyo.
Forecast: Standard disastar anime, probably with plot resembles Bakurano.

Marin and Urin are sisters who live in the sea. On day they found a ring that belongs to a heart broken girl.
Forecast: Shoujo story, might be interesting...

From 07th Expansion, the creator of Higurashi no Naku Koroni series, comes a new murder mystery thriller.
Forecast: This is definitely a keeper

Seems to be a comedy story about magic in modern world.
Forecast: I like what I see in the preview

The third installment of Sayonara Zatubo Sensei series.
Forecast: I liked the series in the beginning. But I never finished the second series because it had gotten so repetitive that I can hardly stand watching any more. This may be another opportunity to see whether they've gotten some new and creative ideas or kept beating on the same ol' dead horse.
Well, that's it for this upcoming season. In that NicoNico video I mentioned before, there are some bonus materials about what's coming in the fall and 2010. There are quite a few things there that we could all get excited about, namely, Darker Than Black 2, Nodame Cantabile Paris Part 2, and Shakugan no Shana Season 3. Others include White Album Season 2, Koi Hime Season 2, Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu Season 2, Kiddy Girl-AND (Sequel to Kiddy Grade), Valkyrie Complex, Alive
There are a couple that I still couldn't identify, I'm going to just give you the video so you can figure out yourself :-)
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class, Spice and Wolf II and Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 look interesting
Is that a Bow Ditama character in that Juuden-chan image?
Actually scratch that, I recognize his idiosyncratic name on the linked site.
That angle for the bakemonogatari shot is..
saw the first ep of CANAAN and i thought it was awesome....
didn't really like 大正野球娘 after the first ep
i thought the female characters in NEEDLESS was hot but the story was a bit easy to guess
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