Monday, May 4, 2009

Tayutama -Kiss on my Deity-: Can it be more retarded than this?

Currently finished: Episode 4

I know animes of this type usually don't bear any intelligent content, but this, is just too retarded. This ought to be the most retarded anime for the season. Having said that, because I'm not short on time, being retarded usually isn't enough reason by itself for me to drop it. But if you have a low tolerance level on retarded animes and somehow thinking of picking this one up, take my advise: don't.


Unknown said...

So... You really disliked what looks to be an episode about pantsu? Personally I gave up after the second episode, just didn't seem like there was very much content in the series.

The Evil Cat said...

No, it's not the pantsu that got me, it's how retarded the plot actually is. There's not a definite drop decision yet, but I couldn't see myself finishing this series either...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I was just wondering if you could consider making a 200x75 pixel banner/link of your blog for me to post on your blog because I really want to recommend my friends to your blog through my blogroll. You can send me the url link or email me the picture on your

Btw, love what you do. I was introduced to many animes I would normally never watch/read through this blog.

The Evil Cat said...

I patched up a quick banner using some old stuff I did for something else. You can use it for time being. Maybe I'll make a better one someday when I get time.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much ^^