Summary: Takamiya Honoka is a regular student whose only problem seems to be that he sits next to Kagari Ayaka, the school's #1 beauty. They have never spoken to each other and any small interaction between them immediately results in her fanclub beating him. Yet when a falling part of the school's building is about to kill him, it's Kagari that comes to his rescue, .. dressed as a witch?
Honoka is a regular student whose only problem seems to be that he sits
next to Kagari Ayaka, the school\'s #1 beauty. They have never spoken
to each other before and any small interaction between them immediately
results in her fanclub beating him. Yet when a falling part of the
school\'s building is about to send him to the afterlife, it\'s Kagari
that comes to his rescue.
Honoka is a regular student whose only problem seems to be that he sits
next to Kagari Ayaka, the school\'s #1 beauty. They have never spoken
to each other before and any small interaction between them immediately
results in her fanclub beating him. Yet when a falling part of the
school\'s building is about to send him to the afterlife, it\'s Kagari
that comes to his rescue.
Honoka is a regular student whose only problem seems to be that he sits
next to Kagari Ayaka, the school\'s #1 beauty. They have never spoken
to each other before and any small interaction between them immediately
results in her fanclub beating him. Yet when a falling part of the
school\'s building is about to send him to the afterlife, it\'s Kagari
that comes to his rescue.
Honoka is a regular student whose only problem seems to be that he sits
next to Kagari Ayaka, the school\'s #1 beauty. They have never spoken
to each other before and any small interaction between them immediately
results in her fanclub beating him. Yet when a falling part of the
school\'s building is about to send him to the afterlife, it\'s Kagari
that comes to his rescue.
First Impression: Solid base, Nothing tasteless yet, good prospects for a Fantasy story.
First Opinion: I like how this looks so far. While I was reading the summaries on websites for upcoming shows, I picked this one first out of the first 4 that I could find and read as having some good prospects. The first things I theorized would be wrong with it from the chosen display art, were that they were going to make Kagari's bust a running theme, and that Takamiya would be as air-headed as most protagonists paired with a more powerful alternate protagonist that saves them a lot. So far, not only have they avoided being tastelessly base and shooting for the, now-a-days, rather common troupe of fawning over the heroines large bust, but Takamiya has sensible enough reactions to the world turning upside down on his doorstep, and they don't fawn over the cat-eared girl that shows up either.
So they get points in my book for having Class, and they show us just enough of the magic of this new world in the first episode to make us curious, but not to make it completely unapproachable. When the first question of the new worlds rules shows up, it's offhandedly given a dismissive answer by our first antagonist, which is precisely how it should be. You don't monologue world principles, you don't spend half a show explaining whys, you give an answer in the heat of the moment, and then later you explain a little bit more, and then a little bit more, as each bit becomes more relevant. In my opinion, that's the best way to handle 'New World Rules' delivery.
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