Sunday, July 15, 2012

[New Summer 2012] Dogs Days'

Japanese title: ドッグデイズ'
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Genres: Fantasy / Children's?
I've watched: 1 episode

Summary: Cinque, the summoned warrior of Biscotti, is making a return for more exciting "wars".

First impression score: 82 - Dog vs. Cats vs. Squirrels?

Personal comments: I have to admit that sometimes I'm strangely attracted to some rather...stupid looking animes. (It's a bit embarrassing to admit, but I was very fond of the original Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch and followed it for quite a while back when it was airing). While I don't know exactly what it is just yet, I do know that not all animes of similar type attracts me. So something in Dog Days' is making me tick that I'm yet to find out...

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