Currently finished: Episode 9
I've read quite a few negative reviews about this anime. Although there are many different reason people are not liking it, lately I've seen more and more negative reviews starts to draw some kind similarities to the Twilight series. Although I've never read Twilight, from all that I've heard about Twilight, this could be one of the biggest insults against Dance in the Vampire Bund.

Anyway, this time, I'm not here to talk about how great I think this anime is so far (although I do want to mention that it is :-). Rather, I'm here to make a comment about how they're not holding any thing back on things that aren't generally acceptable by civilized societies. Although it's pretty clear from the beginning, they have no problem with loli, now they've just taken a step further. So for those who have issues with this kind of things, I think you probably want to stay away from it all together.

1 comment:
I agree that sometimes i find this anime disturbing, but its awsome story keeps me watching.
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