My top 5 picks are:

Dance in the Vampire Bund Intriguing, that's the word I would use to describe it. I think at the moment, I think this has very high potential for being the best anime of the season.
So-Ro-No-Wo-To This is a very unique blend of comedy and light drama. It doesn't have anything too special. But it gives you a very refreshing feeling.
Durarara! Just like Baccano!, it's hard to make sense of the overall at the moment. But I can feel they're secretly constructing a much bigger plot.
Nodame Cantabile: Finale Some of the jokes are getting old by now. But Nodame is still funny as ever.
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Mocking all card battle based anime, this is just a brilliant idea.
I'd pick katanagari to replace so-ro-no-wa-to
Sora no woto*
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