Genres: School Comedy / School Drama / School Violence
I've watched: 1 Episode
Art style: Common / Cute
Recommende for: Well, this is a difficult one, let's just say, everybody for now
Recommendation level: I think this one has some potential
Summary: Takuma is a blind boy that just transfered to a rural high school. He meets several girls from the school. Life seems to be all happy, but there's something unusual going on at the school.
Richard's rating (of 5) - first impression: 4 + 0.25 for excessive display of violence = 4.25 - Something...unexpected
Personal comments: This is an anime that is mostly charming and light hearted. But man, the dark side of this anime is just so rough. 95% of the anime is light and even somewhat comedic. Then there's the other 5% (the pre-opening scene is part of it), which involves guys beating up a girl senselessly in the rain and in the classroom. I mean how do you put these into the same anime? This reminds me the just finished Myself; Yourself, which doesn't have these excessive display of violence, but with a very very evil plot.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love plots that are unusual. This is definitely some unusual plot. It was just so unexpected that it caught me by surprise. Here is some cut scenes, judge it yourself whether I'm right calling it "rough".
what a picture! what are the kids doing?
she just fell on him at the right moment and right place.
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